Gutter Covers

Keep Your Hands Clean With Our Gutter Covers

If you’re tired of doing household chores, allow our experts at Mainstream Home Improvement help to eliminate one of them: cleaning your gutters. While it is necessary to have properly functioning gutters for the safety of your home, it is no longer necessary to do constant maintenance and upkeep to ensure your gutters are healthy. Now there are gutter covers, which will provide protection for your gutters and practically remove the need for you to clean them. The concept is simple: the gutter covers shield your gutter from debris, which is then blown away by the wind, never entering your gutters in the first place. This allows your gutters to do their job and collect and channel water away from your home. This also effectively eliminates the need for your job: if there’s no debris, leaves, or pests in your gutters, there’s no reason to climb that ladder to clean them. Call us today and learn more about how our GutterRoof and GutterRx™ products can improve your Quad Cities home.

gutter cover installation and replacement in quad cities

Why Choose Us For GutterRoof Covers?

Mainstream Home Improvement has been a trusted, successful business since July of 2001. The owner, Spencer Sierra, has worked hard over the years to build trusting relationships that will last with his customers. He proudly stands by Mainstream Home Improvement’s GutterRoof covers because they are effective, lasting, and visually appealing. They are the perfect solution to maintaining your home’s gutter system.


Simple Concept

The concept & installation of these gutter covers are simple. They block debris from entering your gutters, which eliminates the need to clean them.


Slower Water Flow

Unlike some other gutter covers, ours utilize a rough surface to ensure slower water flow, which allows the gutters to handle more water.



These effective gutter covers are built to last & their finish will not chalk or fade. You will enjoy the efficiency of this product for years to come.


Visually Attractive

Our gutter covers can be made to match your roof’s shingles to give your exterior a beautiful, uniform appearance and will not deteriorate.

gutter roof gutter cover contractor in quad cities

GutterRoof Technology

The concept of our GutterRoof technology is simple. GutterRoof is a metal dome gutter protection system that prevents debris from entering your gutters. It deflects the debris so it can then be naturally carried away by the wind. This allows water to flow through the gutter and fall into the trough. What sets GutterRoof Technology apart from other gutter covers is that it uses a rough surface to stimulate slower water flow, which allows the gutters to handle more water. With the cutting-edge GutterRoof technology, you are getting the most out of your current gutters because they are performing at their very best. These gutter covers are not only efficient, but they are also visually attractive and long-lasting. At Mainstream Home Improvement in the Quad Cities, we use only top-quality materials that are built to last so you can enjoy these useful gutter covers for years.


Mainstream Home Improvement is a proud supplier of GutterRx™ products for homes in the Quad Cities area. No more will you need to spend hours cleaning leaves and grime from your gutter systems. Our GutterRx™ gutter covers are made from 98% recycled aluminum that is invisible from the ground, and they are considered to be the only solution to clogged gutters and water damage prevention. Our cover’s self-cleaning design incorporates a ridged structure with evenly spaced holes that properly drain water from your roof while allowing wind to carry leaves or small branches off of your gutters and onto your property below.

GutterRx™ are the leading experts in modern gutter designs and offer several color and profile options to customize based on the style of your home and roof. When you choose our gutter covers, we guarantee quality installation, seamless results, and a warranty if you experience any issues with the performance of your GutterRx™ covers. Contact our team today to learn more about our gutter cover options for your property.

gutter rx gutter cover installation quad cities

Eliminate the Need for Cleaning Gutters by Hand by Investing in These Incredible Gutter Covers

If you want to avoid cleaning your gutters by hand and climbing up and down that ladder, it’s time to invest in gutter covers that will prevent your home’s gutter system from getting clogged in the first place. If the mess never happens, there’s no need to clean. Birds and pests will have to nest elsewhere so you won’t need to worry about them either. Rest easy knowing you’re avoiding infestation, broken gutters, flood basements, and other problems.

gutter cover replacement contractors in the quad cities

Gutter Covers That Really Work

GutterRoof incorporates the latest advancements from a company that has been one of the forefront leaders in the gutter protection field since the year 1993. This effective product uses the same materials, design, and system for mounting, but the finish is the very best of gutter protection technology and will not fade or deteriorate.  At Mainstream Home Improvement, we can either match the GutterRoof cover to your shingles or use a discrete mounting system that follows your roof line so it’s almost imperceivable. 

We also use GutterRx™ Gutter Guards, which are created to fit securely inside your gutter, giving it the ability to easily withstand even the heaviest downpours of rain.  Whether you have new or existing gutters, these gutter guards will work for your home.

Once the gutter cover you decide to go with is in place, that’s it. Both the GutterRoof covers and the GutterRx™ Gutter Guards will effectively block any leaves or debris from entering your gutters, as well as deter birds and pests from nesting there. This allows your gutters to function as they were meant to channel rainwater away from your house. The concept is simple. Its installation is easy. These gutter covers really work.

Frequently Asked Questions

If You Have Questions About Gutters, Our Professionals Have the Answers You Seek

You are invited to peruse our Frequently Asked Questions Page to get insight into the situations our other customers have encountered and the information that has helped them resolve their issues. If you cannot find the answers to your questions on our website, please feel free to contact our team of specialists, who will offer you the pertinent information you need to aid you in your decision-making process.

Are there different types of gutter covers?

We offer two of the best and our sales rep will show you why. But, yes, there are other types of gutter cover. The main types available at big box stores for DIY’ers are metal or rubber screen, or a foam insert. We feel like both are not the best option and that is why we offer something entirely different.

Do you still need to clean your gutters if you have covers on them?

Gutter covers can do a very good job of keeping gutters flowing freely. If you have big trees in your yard, gutter covers will save you time and nasty work by helping to prevent your gutters from getting clogged. Even with gutter covers you should check your gutters once per year to make sure you don’t have any issues. Sometimes you will have to remove a section to make sure. 

Why are the options you offer better than what I can get at the hardware store?

It’s fairly well documented that the screens you buy at the hardware store don’t work at all long term. You may get a season out of them at best. But when you go up and inspect what’s going on you will see that they are ineffective long term. That’s because they collect dirt, those tiny “helicopters,” roof granules and more. So you end up clogged gutters all over again, it just takes longer. Plus now you have to remove the gutter cover to clean them out.  

What about brands like LeafGuard, Gutter Helmet & GutterTopper?

Reverse curve systems are found under various brand names. Those products make a substantial claim that their system is foolproof and superior. All of them are using the idea that “surface adhesion” will work in all instances. Just like the demo with water from a hose at a “home and garden” show. There, it seems to work great. But rain doesn’t happen that way all the time. What about ice? What about a tree nearby? What about a downpour that drops several inches all at once? Then their gutter system isn’t much more than anyone else’s.